The Encampment was held at the Hampton Inn Hotel in Counce, Tennessee on 22 January 2005 at 9:10 AM CST.


Dept. Commander Steve Pearce opened the meeting according to the Ritual of the Order. A ten minute recess was called to sort out the delegate count with the following results:

DC- S. Pearce, Taylor Camp

SVC- S. Atchley, Farragut Camp

JVC- G. Hintze, Taylor Camp

S/T- C. Enle , PDC, Byrd Camp

Delegates- S. Gant, Fort Donelson Camp

                C. Getman , PDC, Sultana Camp

                T. Hackett, Taylor Camp

                F. Harned, PDC, Missionary Ridge Camp


Upon resumption of the mtg, Bro. Don Darby, Senior Vice-Commander-in-Chief was introduced and made several remarks: he brought greetings from the National Headquarters to the Dept,; explained that several of the reporting forms were being revised (eventually a form would be created that would standardize all camp rosters, all forms would be available through the SUVCW internet site); prices were to rise up to 5% for certain articles from the Nat'l QM. In addition a $5 charge would be needed for insurance on orders over $100.


The wives present were introduced: Mrs. Darby, Mrs. Atchley and Mrs. Harned.


There were no committee reports.


The Necrology report was given: Bro. Billy Joe Darnell, PCC (Farragut), Bro. Taylor (Missionary Ridge), Bro. Neuman (Missionary Ridge). Bro. Atchley spoke of Bro. Darnell and Brothers Harned and Engle spoke of Brothers Taylor and Nueman. The Dept. charter was draped in black.


Camp reports were called for: Farragut - difficulty in getting members out for mtgs, but was active with the Allied Orders in conducting Memorial Day observances. Fort Donelson - Bro. Gant was not familiar enough with the Camp's activities to give a report. Missionary Ridge - succussful year in conducting the business of the Order, held 3 Memorial Day services among other monthly activities. Sultana - relatively inactive year. Taylor - active year with Memorial Day services, monthly meetings as well as email newsletter. Byrd - difficulty in conducting meetings, has raised $1500 for monument in City Veteran's Park.


Bro. Darby brought to Dept's attention that $500 grants were available to Camps for monument repair and establishment and that monuments were available for graves of last known Union veterans in each county.


Bro. Norman Miller, a transfer to Camp Ft. Donelson, requested that his rank of Past Camp Commander be recognized. Bro. Gant so moved, Bro. Atchley seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.


Bro. Darby made a request for Camps to solicit their Brothers to volunteer for National Committee posts.


Dept Commander Pearce made the following awards:

Outstanding Camp - Missionary Ridge

Outstanding Brother - Brian Hogan (Taylor) for his work in graves registration

Newsletter - Ft. Donelson

Website - Taylor


Contacts with Auxiliaries: A discussion with a Tenn. State Representative yielded the information that in order to place an historical marker honoring Widow Janeway, the request must originate in the county were the sign is to be placed. At present we have no contact with a member in Blaine County.  Beginning talks were started with the Daughter's Tent in Knoxville regarding graves registration. Bro. Darby said that very shortly graves already registered would be available on a website, thus avoiding duplication of graveyard searches.


Nominations were then opened for Dept Officers for 2005.:

Office              Candidate                                  Nom.

DC                   Shawn Atchley                          Sultana


SVC                 Geoffrey Hintze                          Taylor


JVC                  Talbot Hackett                           Taylor


S/T                  Charles Engle, PDC                      Miss. Ridge


Voting then followed with all candidates being elected unanimously.


(S/T nominated accepted with understanding if any Brother wishes the office

all documents will cheerfully and promptly be surrendered to that "volunteer").


Commander Atchley appointed the following Brothers to Dept Offices: Patriotic Instructor, Sam Gant; Chaplain, Clyde Getman; Graves Registration, Steve Pearce


Bro. Darby conducted the installation of Dept Officers in accordance with the Ritual.


Commander Atchley, after assuming his office, made a few enthusiastic remarks.


The preliminary reading of the minutes was accepted without corrections or additions.


Delegates were solicited for the National Encampment in Nasuha, NH. Bro. Getman proposed all Brothers, so qualified, be given status as alternatives, and approved.


It was decided to continue the Dept. webpage. Commander will contact PDC Al Smith to see if he wished to remain as Webmaster. If he declined, Commander Atchley will appoint PDC Pearce as new Webmaster. All Camps are to inform the Dept Secretary what specific information they want to insert for their Camp officers.


The Nat. SVC-in-C asked the Camps to provide articles for the Banner.  Newpaper articles are copyrighted, so please retype and modify before submitting.


Proposals for the site for the 2006 Dept. Encampment were requested. After most Camps present declined, Taylor volunteered to host it in the Huntsville area. Commander Atchley will request Camps for date suggestions and then make a final determination.


AS no other business was presented, the Dept. Commander closed the 2005 Dept. Encampment in accordance with the Ritual.


In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,



Shawn Atchley, Dept. Commander          Charles Engle, PDC, Dept. Secretary