Department of Tennessee Minutes of the 2006 Encampment


The 11th Annual department encampment was held 28 Jan 06, in Huntsville, AL, and was hosted by Camp Taylor of that city.  The encampment business meeting began at 9:45 am.  It had been preceded by a Memorial service honoring two deceased brothers of Camp Taylor, J. P. Johnson and Edison Connor.  Long may they be in our memories.


The Department Council (Brothers Harned and Pearce being absent) and Department Officers held a brief council meeting in the conference room at 8:30AM.  The past year’s expenses and income of the Department were listed and a tentative budget was outlined.  The continuing membership in the Central Region Association was discussed, and the council determined to present it to the Encampment for a decision on whether to continue membership.  The need to switch our checking account from one with a service charge was emphasized again.  It is a high priority item for this coming year.


The department encampment began in accordance with the rituals of the Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW).


The Secretary collected credential cards, and a total of 18 delegates-in-good-standing were present (see entry on Credentials for camp representation).


The roll call of officers showed all present except for two councilors, Brothers Harned and Pearce and Counselor Ed Duffel, each a PDC.  Department Commander Atchley appointed Brother Bill Butler as Guide and Brother Doug Fidler as Guard.


Greetings to the encampment from Huntsville Mayor Loretta Spencer were read.


The following guests were introduced and extended greetings:

National Commander in Chief, Brother Don Darby

Bickerdyke Tent #2 Daughters of the Union Veterans of the Civil War  Organizer and Past President, Ms. Sarah Anderson

Sons of the American Revolution representative, Brother Doug Fidler

Auxillary to Sons of the Union Veterans, Mrs. Jane Atchley

Department Commander Atchley thanked the “guests” for their attendance.



NC-I-C Darby made the following remarks:

- Brothers were encouraged to attend the National Encampment this August in Harrisburg, Penna.  The 2007 National Encampment will be in St. Louis, MO.  The 2009 National Encampment may be held n Kentucky to honor the birth state of Abraham Lincoln.

- 300,000 Union Veterans are now listed in the database for the graves registration project.  The project is making it easier to input new information and access present files.

- He urged camps to compile their camps’ history and present a copy to the department for historical purposes.

- This past year the SUVCW has added 6 new camps and approximately 400 new brothers.

- He reminded brothers of the several charitable foundations that the Sons support.

- Changes are coming, to be announced later, to the JROTC award program.

- Brother Hogan, Taylor, raised the question as to the accuracy of GAR records.  Commander Darby responded that the GAR was exacting in documentation of new members so that GAR records should be highly reliable in present research activities.

- Thanks were given to National Executive Director for his recent memo listing the details of dept. and camp sec’s duties.


The Dept. Credential Committee reported 18 Brothers present as accredited delegates for the encampment.  The following was the camp representation:

- Sultana---------------------- 2

- Fort Donaldson-------------- 1

- Farragut--------------------- 2

- Missionary Ridge------------ 1

- Wilson----------------------- 3

- Taylor----------------------- 8

- Byrd------------------------- 1

Total------------------------------- 18



The Department Commander then called for department officers. Copies of reports are made part of the minutes and attached to the file copies in the Dept. Secretary’s files.


At 10:20 AM, the encampment rose and held a moment of silence to honor the memories of the lost crew of the “CHALLENGER” which fell from the sky at that moment 20 years ago.


Upon resumption of encampment activities, each camp gave their annual reports.  Copies of these reports are attached to and made part of the official minutes report.


The following communications were issued:

- A letter from Brother James Hamby (Dept. of Maryland) requesting consideration for his running for National Council of Administration;

- Copies of the Executive Director’s description of secretaries’ duties was passed out to those camps present.


Committees Reports:

On behalf of the Bylaws committee, Brother Geoffrey Hintze presented administrative changes to Dept. bylaws.  All changes were approved by the members present, and the new Dept. bylaws were signed by the National Commander.  The approved changes are attached to the minutes’ file copy.


New Business:

Brother Ed Duffel, PDC wrote a letter to the Department requesting that Camp dues to the Dept be suspended in order to help struggling camps have some “breathing room” and get back on their feet.

A lively discussion followed. Brother Shawn, DC, prefaced the discussion with the stipulation that any decision would apply to all camps and be limited to one year.  One suggestion presented by Brother Talbot Hackett, Dept. Jr. Vice, was that camps should consider suspending their own dues rather than Dept dues.

A subsequent motion was presented that the Dept. act to suspend Dept. dues for one year.  The motion failed with a unanimous voice vote.


A discussion followed regarding the Dept.’s membership in the Central States Region.  After deciding that no benefit has been received by any brother during the past 5 years that we were a member, and no future benefits were anticipated, the encampment voted to discontinue membership.


The next issue was a discussion of registration fees for future Department Encampments.  For the past several Encampments a $10 fee had been collected.  This had covered mailing costs, charges for conference rooms and other miscellaneous Encampment fees.  The issue was referred to the Dept. Council in order to generate a proposal and present a recommendation at next year’s encampment.  This was proposed by Brother Hackett, Dept. Jr. Vice. The National Commander-In-Chief, Brother Darby added that the council could make this decision on behalf of the department.


The Department recessed for an hour’s lunch.


Upon the resumption of encampment business, Jr. Vice President Dusty Nicholas of the Bickerdyke Tent #2 DUVCW, was introduced by Sister Sarah Anderson and welcomed by the Brothers.  She extended Tent greetings to the encampment assembly.


Brother Doug Fidler (Byrd), a history professor at Phillisippi State College, Knoxville, Tenn., reported that a class of his had taken on a project to locate Union Veterans’ graves in the Knoxville area.  They have located 130 graves to date.  The Dept. Commander decided to send a letter of appreciation to this class.



Brother Shawn Atchley, DC next presented the following awards:

- Best Camp Scrapbook---------------------------- Camp Wilson

- Best Camp Website------------------------------- Camp Wilson

- Best Camp Newsletter----------------------------- Camp Ft. Donaldson

- Outstanding Brother commendations--------------- Brother Brian Hogan

----------------------------------------------------- Brother C. H. Engle

----------------------------------------------------- Brother Barry Spink

- Eagle Scout award--------------------------------- Brother Perry Green

- Outstanding Camp--------------------------------- Camp Wilson

----------------------------------------------------- Camp Taylor

- Outstanding Department Brother------------------- Brother Talbot Hackett.


In addition Past Commander Certificates were awarded to the following brothers:

-         Clyde Getman, PDC, Sultana

-         Al Smith, PDC, Fort Donaldson

-         John Anderson, PDC Farragut

-         Richard J. Kochendorfer, Wilson

-          Les Davis, Missionary Ridge

-         Talbot Hackett, Taylor

-         Jay Hacker, Byrd


Department Elections:

A ten minute recess was then declared in order to caucus for department officer candidates for 2006.  The Encampment then resumed with the following Brothers nominated as officers for 2006:

Department Commander-------------- Geoff Hintze, PCC Taylor

Senior Vice Commander-------------- Joe Johnson, Taylor

Junior Vice Commander--------------- Sam Gant, Fort Donaldson

Secretary/Treasurer------------------- Bill Butler, Wilson

Council-------------------------------- John Anderson, PDC, Farragut

Shawn Atchley automatically rose to the office of Council upon becoming a Past Department Commander.

Voting then followed with all candidates being elected unanimously.



The Installation of Department Officers for the year 2006 was conducted by National Commander in Chief Don Darby in accordance with the Ritual. The newly elected officers then assumed their stations.

The following two appointments were made:

- Patriotic Instructor------------------- Carl Addison, Wilson

- Chaplain----------------------------- Clyde Getman, PDC, Sultana


Delegates for the National Encampment:

It was moved that if any member would contact the Department Commander and express a desire to be declared a delegate for the encampment he would be authorized to attend the encampment if qualified. This was seconded and passed unanimously.


2007 Tennessee Department Encampment:

Brother Steve Pearce proposed Huntsville as the site for the Encampment site. It was unanimously agreed to.



The rough notes of the 2006 Encampment were read and approved.


The Encampment was then closed with the SUVCW ritualistic ceremony.


Respectfully submitted for your approval,

For Shawn Atchley, PDC


Charlie Engle, PDS/T
