PVT Richard Taylor

Camp 53







Editor: Steve Pearce wspjls@aol.com

Camp website:  http://pvtrichardtaylor.bizland.com/pvtrichardtaylorcamp53/


Commander David E. Milam opened the meeting of the Richard Taylor Camp #53 SUVCW at 7:00 pm on 30 April 2001.  As part of the opening of all Camp meetings, the Chaplain gave the invocation, and the Pledge to the American flag along with the American Creed was recited.


Three guests Glenn Bracken, Chuck Bobo and, Richard Elliott, attended the meeting.  Brother Daniel Nation wore his Civil War Union uniform. 


Brothers Daniel Nation and Brian Hogan gave their individual presentations, which they will perform at the Huntsville Alabama, Maple Hill Cemetery Stroll. The Cemetery Stroll, which will be (and was) on May 6, at 2pm.  Both portrayed Union Soldiers buried at Maple Hill.  Camp Commander, David Milam, portrayed a Revolutionary War soldier buried at Maple Hill.  Brother Nation’s presentation can be accessed from the Camp webpage. (editor’s note: I attended the Cemetery Stroll and all three gave fabulous presentations along with being well dressed in their period uniforms).


The minutes of the March 26, 2001 meeting was read and approved.  The treasurer's report was read and approved.


The Huntsville History Festival on October 6, 2001, was discussed with agreement in broad scope on what the exhibit will look like, and articles available to the public, such as articles, applications, and brochures.


The next meeting will be in conjunction with the May 28, Memorial Day (observed) observance of five the sacrifices of the five Union Soldiers buried at Golightly Cemetery.


The Camp voted to attend the May 27, church service at Highlands United Methodist Church, in Huntsville Alabama, at the invitation of Camp Chaplin Gordon Cottrell.  The SUVCW Ritual Manual prescribes attending a Memorial Day church service.


Chuck Bobo presented details on the history of Golightly Cemetery.  A Camp discussion on what the Memorial Day ceremony should consist of is the framework for the Memorial Day (observed) Activities.  The Camp webpage will provide details of the Memorial Day (observed) event.


Brothers James (Joe) Johnson and Geoffrey Michael were presented with Membership Rosettes.


Next meeting May 28, 2001, 3pm, Golightly Cemetery.  The Camp webpage will provide directions to the event.


This month, Pvt Richard Taylor Camp 53 highlights the ancestor of Brother Jim Epperson.


Seeing no further business at hand, Commander Milam closed the meeting at 9:05 pm.; Chaplain Cottrell gave the benediction.


Respectfully submitted in F, C, and L,

David E. Milam Commander

Steve Pearce Secretary/Treasurer