PVT Richard Taylor

Camp 53







Editor: Steve Pearce wspjls@aol.com

Camp website:  http://pvtrichardtaylor.bizland.com/pvtrichardtaylorcamp53/


Commander David E. Milam opened a regular Meeting of the Richard Taylor Camp #53 SUVCW at 7:00 pm on 26 March 2001.  Chaplain Cottrell gave the invocation.  The meeting was attended by three guests Mark William, John Carter, and Mr. Blood.


The minutes of the February 26, 2001 meeting was read and approved.  The treasurer's report was read and approved.


Brother Sid Gaddy wore his Civil War uniform.  The uniform with the markings of the 26th Wisconsin Regiment Inf., will be the Camp uniform for any ceremonies where the Camp's attachment to the Sons of Union Veterans Reserve, is represented.  Brother Steve Pearce was elected Camp Sargent.


The planned meeting with Real Daughter, Mrs. Sammie Mason of Athens, Alabama, was postponed due to illness and will be rescheduled at a later date.


The Camp quarterly reports due to Department of Tennessee were approved, signed, and mailed.  The required reports consisted of the Camp Officers Report, Camp Roster, and members' report with associated member fees.


The Camp voted and approved entrance into the Huntsville History Festival on October 6, 2001, with Brother Milam donating the $50.00 entrance fee.


Brother Brian Hogan presented the Cemetery survey report for the Camp Memorial Day ceremony.  The Go-Lightly Cemetery was voted on and accepted as the location of the Camp Memorial Day ceremony.  Brother Sid Gaddy to assist in festivities.


Brother Gordon Cottrell was presented his Membership Certificate and Rosette.


Mr. John Carder discussed the service record of his great-grandfather, Sargent John W. Carder, Co. E, 12th Reg. W.VA Inf.  Mr. Carder displayed his ancestor's original Civil War discharge certificate.


Mr. Mark Williams, presented and displayed the various equipment, uniforms, utensils, etc., required for reacting.  Mr. Williams displayed the various Union uniforms worn by a number of units during the Civil War.


Treasurers Report:

Balance as of March 4, 2001 $203.00

Deposits: $120:00

No disbursement made as of the date of this report

Balance as of April 9, 2001 $323.00


Sickness and Distress:  The Camp remembers, the wife of Brother Gordon Cottrell, who suffered a heart attack in early March.  Mrs. Cottrell was recovering nicely as of March 26. 


This month’s featured ancestor is Lt. Col George Washington Shattuck, Civil War Ancestor of Brother Sidney W. Gaddy.


Next meeting April 26 2001, Highlands United Methodist Church.


Seeing no further business at hand, Commander Milam closed the meeting at 8:25 pm.; Chaplin Cottrell gave the benediction.


Respectfully submitted in F, C, and L,

David E. Milam Commander

Steve Pearce Secretary/Treasurer