PVT Richard Taylor

Camp 53







Editor: Steve Pearce spearce@knology.net

Camp website:  http://pvtrichardtaylor.bizland.com/pvtrichardtaylorcamp53/


In the absence of the Camp Commander, Brother Sid Gaddy, opened the March meeting of the Richard Taylor Camp #53 SUVCW, at 7:00p.m., 25 March 2002.  The meeting began with prayer, led by Brother Gordon Cottrell, the Pledge to the American flag and the American Creed.


Old business:  Minutes from the previous meeting were approved.


New Business: 

Discussion was held, on members that wished to join Brother Hogan in attending the reenactment at Shilo.  Discussion was held on the Department of Tennessee Encampment where the Camp won multiple awards.


The Memorial Day Camp activities will be similar in nature to what was held last year.  Last year there was a ceremony at Maple Hill with local patriotic and veterans associations plus a SUVCW ceremony at a different cemetery.


It was decided that the SVR unit designation would be the 42nd Indiana Infantry.  A company will be researched to we do not conflict with the local 42nd Indiana reenactment unit or other units under the 42nd Indiana.


The Maple Hill Cemetery Stroll will be on May 5, at 2pm.  The Camp will have multiple individuals participating.  Brother Milam will portray Dr. Thomas Fearn, Brother Gaddy will portray Capt James Bone, Brother Hogan will portray Bvt.Brigadier General Gilbert Motier Lafayette Johnson, and Brother Pearce will portray Pvt. Samuel F. Sweinhart


Seeing no additional discussions at 8:00, the Camp Chaplain, Brother Gordon Cottrell, closed the meeting with prayer.


Sickness and distress:  

Brother Joe Johnson’s mother is ill and in nursing care.  Brother Johnson’s father is recovering from a stroke. 


Brother Pearce asked the Camp Brothers to provide write-ups on their Union Ancestor along with a picture if one is available.  Brother Pearce has a scanner if someone has a picture that needs to be converted into an electronic format.


Next Meeting April 29, 2002, 7pm, Highlands United Methodist Church.


Respectfully submitted in F, C, and L,

Edward Milam Commander & Steve Pearce Secretary/Treasurer