Camp website:
Tod Jenness
Editor: Steve Pearce
Commander: Brother Tod Jenness
Senior Vice Commander: Brother Kent
Junior Vice Commander: Brother Topper
Secretary/Treasurer: Brother Geoffrey
Chaplain: Brother Gordon Cottrell
Signals Officer: Steve Pearce
From the
Minutes of 27 November 2006 meeting of Pvt. Richard
Taylor Camp 53.
In attendance were
Commander Hackett, Brother Burke, Brother Hintze, Brother Hogan, Brother
Wright, Brother Jenness, Brother Birney, and Brother Cottrell,
Commander Hackett opening the meeting
at 7:00 P.M. at
of October Meeting Read and approved
Commander Hackett thanked
everyone who took part in the Veterans Day parade. Brother Burke’s truck was useful.
A discussion of the upcoming
Department Encampment ensued.
Confirmations from Brothers Engle, Anderson and Gant plus a count of 4
from the Wilson Camp implied that getting the Space and
Brother Hogan reported that
he found another Union soldier buried in Maple Hill. This was a Chaplain who is not a member of
the GAR.
Commander Hackett turned the
meeting over to Brother Hintze, Commander of the Department of Tennessee, to
install the new officers. Commander
Hackett was relieved of command and Brother Tod Jenness was installed as the
new commander. Also installed were
Brother Wright, Senior Vice Commander; Brother Birney, Junior Vice Commander;
Brother Cottrell, Chaplain and Brother Hackett,
A discussion of the next
meeting date was held. The next meeting
will be Monday Dec 18 (the regular meeting date being Christmas day). A special January meeting will also be held
(date TBD) to finalize any actions for the Department Encampment.
Brother Cottrell gave the
benediction and Commander Jenness closed the meeting. Commander Jenness brought dessert and the
Brothers all enjoyed pie.
In F, C & L
Geoffrey Hintze