NEWSLETTER FOR December 2005/January 2006

Camp website:

Commander: Talbot Hackett

Editor: Steve Pearce


From the Commander:

          Just a quick reminder that the Taylor Camp's January meeting will be on the 17th at 7 PM at the Calhoun Community College in Huntsville.  Delegate selection for the Department Encampment will be the primary part of the business, but we will also going over some of the ceremonies planned for the banquet.  A reminder to those who haven't sent in their money for the banquet yet that it is due by January 19th so we can give the Bevill Center an accurate meal count.



    Following the Camp meeting, there will be a short SVR meeting to elect a new commander. As you know, Brother Ryan has to step down.  Those Brothers of the Camp who haven't completed their membership into the SVR may do so at the meeting.


    It's also dues time again.  Please send your payments to Brother Secretary Hintze as soon as possible.



Minutes of 28 November 2005 meeting of Pvt. Richard Taylor Camp 53.


In attendance were Department of Tennessee Commander Shawn Atchley, Commander Hackett, Senior Vice Commander Burke, Sec/Treasurer Hintze, Brothers Pearce, Greene, Cottrell, Tod Jenness., Karl Ryan, Wright, Stegmaier, Milam, and Billings.  Guests were Mrs. Atchley and Mrs. Hackett.


Cmdr Hackett opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.  Brother Cottrell gave the invocation; The Pledge of Allegiance was performed.   Brother Hogan led the America’s Creed.

Brother Hintze read the minutes for the October meeting.  The minutes were approved.


Commander Hackett announced that the Pistol lottery produced $80.00.  He gave a check to Brother Hintze for that and also for meals for the Olde Towne Brass.  Brother Hackett passed out certificates to the 2005 officers.  Brother Johnson is ill.


Brother Hogan discussed the Microfilm he has of GAR camps.


The Wilson Camp says they are coming to the Encampment.


Department of Tennessee Commander gave a talk thanking the camp for all their efforts.


The Department Encampment will be 1/28/2006.  Brother Hackett plans to have a ritual of toasts at each table during the Banquet.  Brother Milam will be Master of Ceremonies.


Brother Burke wants to put up a monument for Union Soldiers at the Courthouse.  Veterans Park will not accept a monument to Civil War Soldiers.


We are building a contraption to put flags in the truck for the next Veterans Day parade.  There will be a parade on St. Patrick’s Day.


The 2006 Officers were installed with Commander Atchley acting as installing officer.


The Camp closed and then attended a dinner.


Hope to see everyone on January 17, at the next meeting.


Respectfully submitted in F, C, and L,

Talbot Hackett-Commander

Geoffrey Hintze -Secretary/Treasurer