Camp website:

Commander: Talbot Hackett

Editor: Steve Pearce


Minutes of 27 February 2006 meeting of Pvt. Richard Taylor Camp 53.


In attendance were Commander Hackett, Senior Vice Commander Burke, Junior Vice Commander Johnson, Sec/Treasurer Hintze, and Tod Jenness, Stegmaier, and Hogan.


Commander Hackett opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.  at the Highlands Methodist Church. Brother Greene opened the meeting with the invocation; Brother Tod Jenness led the Camp in the Pledge and Brother Hogan led in the Creed.

Brother Hintze handed out the minutes for the January Meeting.  The minutes were read and approved.


Brother Davis has donated a Bible to the Camp.  The Camp Flag was not ready.  It will be available in two weeks.  Commander Hackett does not recommend returning to the Bevill Center.  Evan though it was known, there were some complaints with our GAR punch ceremony.


The Patriotic Instructor gave a program at Brother Brian Jenness’ 4th Grade class.  The class sent a Thank You note for the presentation.


Brother Hogan is continuing his research with the 1890 Veterans schedule.  He has identified 15 known GAR graves at Maple Hill.  Two of the 15 Grave locations are unknown.


The Fann Memorial Service still needs to be scheduled.


Plans have begun for Memorial Day.  Brother Hogan has suggested a color guard go to each grave.


Commander Hackett has started a Camp property list.  Each Camp Commander will need to sign for it.


The Camp was closed with the benediction.


In F, C & L


Geoffrey Hintze
