Camp website:

Commander: Talbot Hackett

Editor: Steve Pearce


From the Commander:

          I wish to thank those who participated in this year’s Veterans Day parade. Brother Burke’s truck looked great and we appreciate being able to use it. Brother Tod Jenness and I passed out 200 small American flags as we walked along the parade route beside the truck.   Everyone that saw our flags remarked that they were of better quality than the ones that had already been passed out. Next year we should make plans to have more because we ran out about half way through the route.


          On November 12, I had the honor, along with Department Commander Atchely, to participate in the General James Wilson Camp’s Veterans Day honors, held at the Oakwood Cemetery in Montgomery. At the GAR Monument itself are 30 Union Graves, 18 of which are marked as “unknown.”  There are several other Union graves located in the Old Oakwood Cemetery section, as well. Our Brothers in the Wilson Camp did an excellent job of remembering these honored dead. To find out more about Oakwood and the Wilson Camp, visit their website at:


          Chaplain Gordon Cottrell’s 80th birthday was Sunday, November 13. Brother Hogan presented him with a Marine Corps blanket on behalf of the Camp at the November meeting of the Tennessee Valley Civil War Roundtable, held November 10th at the Huntsville Elks Club.  We wish Gordon all the best and deeply appreciate all he does for the Taylor Camp.


          At our last meeting on October 24, the 2005-2006 officers were elected/ appointed:


          Commander: Brother Talbot Hackett

          Senior Vice Commander: Brother Waymon Burke

          Junior Vice Commander: Brother Joe Johnson

          Secretary/Treasurer: PCC Geoffrey Hintze

          Chaplain: Brother Gordon Cottrell

          Patriotic Instructor: Brother Tod Jenness

          Camp Guide: Brother Perry Greene

          Camp Guard: Brother Dave Billings

          Camp Historian: Brother Kent Wright

          Camp Signals Officer: PDC Steve Pearce

          Camp Graves Registration Officer: Brother Brian Hogan


Installation will be at our regular meeting on November 28. Department Commander Atchely will make every effort to be here to preside over the ceremony.  If he is unable to make the trip, PDC Pearce has agreed to officiate. Brother Johnson has offered to make his East Tennessee stew for our enjoyment following the installation. There will also be a short presentation concerning SUVCW badges given during the meal.  Please let me know if you will be attending in order for Brother Johnson to know how much stew to make.  Contributions of bread and refreshments will be welcome.


          The Department Encampment is pretty much on track.  We have the 35 meals required to keep the banquet price at $18.95 per person, the money coming primarily from the Taylor Camp and guests. I know that many more of you plan to attend, but just haven’t paid as yet.  Just a gentle reminder that the cut-off for the banquet is January 15; however, for head count purposes, I’d appreciate it if you don’t wait until the last minute to send in your check. The Olde Town Brass will be entertaining us during the social hour (cash bar) and Miss Jacque Gray will be giving her “Crazy Bet” Van Lew presentation during dessert.  Company G, 42nd Indiana, SVR has also been tasked to provide a Color Guard for both the business meeting and the banquet. If a couple other things fall in place, there will be one or two more “surprise” events taking place that evening, as well.


          Our delegation to the Encampment still has to be formed. By regulation, the Taylor Camp is authorized 7 voting delegates: 1 PDC/PCC, 2 PCCs, 1 sitting Camp Commander, 1 Camp delegate, and 1 per 10 Brothers or major fraction thereof. At the present time, we are 23 strong.  Brothers Pearce, Hintze, and I are already sitting Department officers and PCC Milam has agreed to head the delegation.  All that is needed now are three Brothers to fill the remaining seats.  Volunteers will be accepted on a first come, first appointed basis. All other Brothers are encouraged to attend the business meeting. Regardless of voting status, you still have a voice in how the Department operates. Additionally, we hope to charter the MG Joe Hooker Camp that afternoon.  You r support for our new Brothers from Double Springs will be greatly appreciated.


          Brother Wright is hard at work gathering in our Camp’s history from all sources in order to meeting C-in-C Darby’s request that all Camps compile their history for the SUVCW archives.  We want to take that one step further by donating a CD containing the Taylor Camp history to the Huntsville/Madison County library.  Please give Brother Wright and his committee al the help you possibly can to meet these goals.


          Brother Pearce and I have discussed expanding the format of the Camp Newsletter to include reports/articles from the Camp Officers concerning their respective projects/duties. Also, we would like submissions form the Brothers concerning their Civil War ancestors or any other SUVCW related subject that may be of interest to the Camp. Please have anything you want to appear in the Camp Newsletter turned in to Brother Pearce no later than the 15th of each month.



Other Business:

Minutes of 24 October 2005 meeting of Pvt. Richard Taylor Camp 53.


In attendance were Commander Hackett, Senior Vice Commander Burke, Junior Vice Commander Johnson, Sec/Treasurer Hintze, Brothers Greene, Cottrell, Hogan, Billings, and Tod Jenness.


Cmdr Hackett opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.  Brother Cottrell gave the invocation; The Pledge of Allegiance was performed.   Brother Hogan led the America’s Creed.


Brother Hintze gave the Treasurers report.  We currently have a balance of $421.74.  Also on hand are checks totaling $114.75. The Minutes from the September meeting were read and approved.


Brother Hackett brought a cake to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Camp. 

The Encampment only has reservations from 1 Camp.  Details are being made for the Veterans Day parade.  Details will be sent out by email.


Brother Hacket has banners for Charity, Patriotism and the Junior Vice-Commander.  Brother Hogan has a contact that may be able to do the Camp Flag.  He also found at least two more GAR members buried at Maple Hill.  Brother Hogan will get a list of GAR members buried at Maple Hill.  We will then purchase more GAR markers from the Department of New York.


Brother Cottrell gave the benediction and the meeting was closed.


Hope to see everyone on November 28, at the next meeting.


Respectfully submitted in F, C, and L,

Talbot Hackett-Commander

Geoffrey Hintze -Secretary/Treasurer