PVT Richard Taylor

Camp 53







Editor: Steve Pearce spearce@knology.net

Camp website:  http://pvtrichardtaylor.bizland.com/pvtrichardtaylorcamp53/


Camp Commander, Brother Edward Milam, opened the September meeting of the Richard Taylor Camp #53 SUVCW, at 7:00 pm, 24 September 2001.  After opening with prayer, led by Brother Gordon Cottrell, Brother Steve Pearce led the Camp in the Pledge to the American flag and the American Creed.


Old business: 

Minutes from the previous meeting were approved.  The Treasurer presented the receipts and disbursements made since the beginning of the calendar year.  Secretary and Treasurer reports due to the Department of Tennessee were approved.


The Camp discussed how the SUVCW could participate in the Huntsville Veterans Day Parade.  Brother Glenn Bracken has reserved the Camp a position in the parade.  Brother Joe Johnson has come up with a vehicle to transport the Camp in the parade.


Events for the October 6, 2001, History Day were discussed.  Brother Joe Johnson graciously volunteered to lead the effort to gather materials and develop a schedule to man the Camp table.


New Business: 

Commander Milam presented to Brother Larry Harbaugh his membership certificate.


The ceremony to formally induct new officers was discussed and a tentative date of November 10, 2001.  A change in venue is necessary with Brother Joe Johnson heading up the effort. The ceremony will also include the formal induction of new members into the SUVCW order.


The Camp through unanimous vote authorized Brother Brian Hogan to vote the following Brothers into the officer positions starting November 2001.

Camp Commander: Edward Milam        

Senior Vice Commander: Sid Gaddy

Junior Vice Commander: Brian Hogan   

Secretary: Steve Pearce

Patriotic Instructor: Joe Johnson           

Treasurer: Steve Pearce

Camp Guard: Edison Conner                 

Camp Guide: Glenn Bracken

Camp Historian: Geoffery Hintz              

Camp Color Bearer: Howard Blood

Chaplin: Gordon Cottrell


Brothers Steve Pearce, Edward Milam, and Joe Johnson represented the Camp on the Robert Reeves morning show on September 25.  A video was made for presentation at the October meeting for those who missed it.


Brother Pearce asked the Camp Brothers to provide write-ups on their Union Ancestor along with a picture if one is available.  Brother Pearce has a scanner if someone has a picture that needs to be converted into an electronic format.


Sickness and distress:  Brother Joe Johnson’s mother is in the hospital.


Seeing no additional discussions at 8:20 p.m., the Camp Chaplin, Brother Gordon Cottrell, closed the meeting with prayer.


This month, Pvt Richard Taylor Camp 53 highlights John W. Brooks, Union ancestor of Brother David Schnieder.


Next Meeting October 29, 2001, 7pm, Highlands United Methodist Church.


Respectfully submitted in F, C, and L,

Edward Milam Commander & Steve Pearce Secretary/Treasurer