Camp website:

Commander: Talbot Hackett

Editor: Steve Pearce



Brother James Johnson passed the evening of July 12, 2006 at Huntsville Hospital, Huntsville, Alabama. He became a member of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War on March 26, 2001. At the time of his death, Brother Johnson was serving as the Department of Tennessee Senior Vice Commander and was in his second term as Junior Vice Commander of the Pvt. Richard Taylor Camp #53, Huntsville, Alabama.


Camp Orders #1-2006:All Brothers of the Pvt. Richard Taylor Camp #53 will wearing a mourning ribbon affixed to their membership badge for a period of thirty (30) days, effective this date. Furthermore, the Camp Charter will be draped with a mourning cloth for the same period of time.


As a reminder that we will be initiating Brother Birney this month (July 31st), followed by a lasagna dinner.



Minutes of 26 June 2006 meeting of Pvt. Richard Taylor Camp 53.


In attendance were Commander Hackett Brothers Hintze, Cottrell, Jenness, Hogan, Johnson, Wright and Burke.


Commander Hackett opened the meeting at7:00 p.m. at the Highlands Methodist Church. Brother Cottrell opened the meeting with the invocation; Brother Jenness led the Camp in the Pledge and Brother Burke led in the Creed.

The minutes of the April meeting were read, corrected and approved. There were no minutes for May since the Memorial Day ceremony replaced the meeting. The balance in the treasury is$15.79.


It was good to see Brother Johnson. He thanked the Camp for their thoughts and payers and especially thanked Brother Hogan for saving his life.


Brother Hogan had no new graves report but the Camp will need 11 more GAR markers to cover the known GAR graves in Maple Hill cemetery,


In New Business, it was decided not to get a booth at the Madison Street Festival. It was also decided to make sure the Camp EIN# is registered with the Grants office of the IRS in order to get grants for the Eagle Scout program from local businesses such as Wal-Mart.


Commander Hackett closed the Camp with the benediction.


In F, C&L


Geoffrey Hintze
