Memorial Day 2002 |
Martching to the ceremony |
Memorial Day 2002 |
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On November 11, 2001 the Camp initiated new officers. At 3pm the Camp dedicated a restored headstone to Captain James H. Bone.
On November 12, 2001, various members represented the Camp in the Huntsville Veterans Day Parade.
Posting of the Colors |
In reflection |
Volley |
Camp Members attending |
November 12 Veterans Day Parade 3 |
New Brothers November 11, 2001 |
The Camp 53 attended the 11:00 a.m., morning church service at Highlands United Methodist Church, in Huntsville Alabama, at the invitation of Chaplin Gordon Cottrell. Pastor Rod Morgan gave the sermon on "Rifters." The Camp was welcomed most graciously. Brothers attending were D. Edward Milam, Brian Hogan, Steve Pearce and son Luke, Sid Gaddy and wife Betty, Bill Hollis and wife Sue, and Geoffrey Hintz. Brothers Milam, Hogan, Pearce, Gaddy, and Hollis were in uniform while Sue Hollis was in a period dress.
The Camp held a short ceremony at Maple Hill Cemetery. The Camp was to hold a joint ceremony with multiple veterans' organizations in Huntsville, but due to poor weather all organizations except for SUVCW canceled. Brother D. Edward Milam opened the ceremony with an introduction to the guests on the customs of the SUVCWand offered a prayer. Brother Brian Hogan spoke about Union soldier John S. Brooks, Battery E., 1st Kentucky Artillery, whose grave the Camp was gathered, and Brother Steve Pearce laid a wreath by the grave. Brother Sid Gaddy played Taps to close the ceremony. Brothers Milam, Hogan, Gaddy, and Pearce were in uniform. Family members in attendance was Mrs. Betty Gaddy, wife of Brother Sid Gaddy, and Luke & Katie Pearce, children of Brother Steve Pearce. Other guests were Mr. Greg Usrey of the VFW, and Mr. & Mrs. Joe and Eva Carlton.
The Pvt. Richard Taylor Camp 53 held its Memorial Day ceremony in accordance with SUVCW regulation number 11, at Golightly Cemetery near Hazel Green, Alabama. (see the program below). 47 individuals attended. Brothers and family members were David Milam, Brian Hogan and daughter Juli, Joe Johnson, Geoffrey Hintz, Bill Hollis and wife Sue, Sid Gaddy and wife Betty, and Steve Pearce with wife Debra and children Linda, Katie, and Luke, with invited guest Kathy Smith. Linda and Katie Pearce are members of the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Tent #2, Tennessee (detached), Selmer, Tennessee.
After the close of the ceremony, the Camp convened a short meeting to present membership certificates and rosettes to Brother Bill Hollis, Brother Joe Johnson, and Brother Geoffrey Hintz.
Camp Commander David Milam held a reception after the ceremony
Camp Commander D. Edward Milam (L) presenting Brother Gordon Cottrell (R) with his Membership Certificate and Rosette at the March 26, 2001, meeting. Brothers Pearce (L), Gaddy (C), and Hogan (R), in the defense of the Union. Huntsville Depot, May 21, 2001. The occasion was when a group of about 150 graduates from Princeton and Stanford Universities, led by James McPherson (of "Battle Cry of Freedom" fame), visiting various Civil War sites, passed through Huntsville. |