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Pvt Richard Taylor Camp 53
Department of Tennessee Emcampments 2004-2008

The 2009 Department of Tennessee (Tennessee and Alabama) will be in Spring Hill, TN hosted by the Fort Donelson Camp.


The thirteenth annual Encampment of the Department of Tennessee was held on Saturday, 26 January 2008, at the Alabama Department of Archives and History in Montgomery, Alabama, across from the State Capital, and a stones throw from the First Capital of the Confederacy. The Major General James H. Wilson Camp #1 hosted the event. In addition, the weekend marked the 10th anniversary of the Wilson camp's installation in 1998, and we celebrated that occasion at a dinner that evening. National Commander in Chief (CinC), Brother Charles E. Kuhn, attended and installed the officer for 2008. Brother Kenneth Early was elected Deptartment Commander.

2008 Encampment meeting minutes



The twelfth annual Encampment of the Department of Tennessee was held on January 27, 2007 at the Elks Lodge in downtown Huntsville, Alabama. Hosting the event was the Pvt. Richard Taylor Camp located in Huntsville Al. National Commander in Chief (CinC), Brother James B. Pahl attended and installed the officers for 2007. Brother Geoffrey Hintze was reelected Department Commander.

2007 Encampment meeting minutes


L-R: Talbot Hackett, Brian Hogan, Steve Pearce (PDC), Charles Engle (PDC), James B Pahl (Commander in Chief), Geoffrey Hintze (Department Commander), Tod Jenness, Sam Gant, Bill Butler, and Kent Wright.


The eleventh annual Department of Tennessee Encampment was held January 28, 2006, at the Bevill Conference Center at the University of Alabama at Huntsville. Hosting the event was the Pvt. Richard Taylor Camp located in Huntsville Al. Brother Don Darby, SUVCW Commander-in-Chief attended and installed the officers for 2006. Brother Geoffrey Hintze was elected Department Commander.

2006 Encampment meeting minutes



The Department of Tennessee Encampment for 2005, tenth annual, he Encampment was held January 22, 2005, at the Hampton Inn Hotel in Pickwick Dam, TN. Farragut Camp #6 hosted the Encampment. Brother Don Darby, Senior Vice-Commander-in-Chief attended and installed the officers for 2005. A special medal commemorating the 10th Encampment in 2005 was struck for the attendees. Brother Shawn Atchley was elected Department Commander.

2005 Encampment meeting minutes



The Department of Tennessee Encampment for 2004, ninth annual, was held on February 28, 2004 at the Highlands Methodist Church, Huntsville, Alabama. The location was the home meeting place of the Pvt. Richard Taylor Camp 53. Brother Getman, PDC, installed the officers for 2004. Brother Getman presented a motion to hold the 10th Encampment at Farragut. A discussion was made to possibly getting a medal commemorating the 10th Encampment in 2005. Brother Steve Pearce was elected Department Commander.

2004 Encampment meeting minutes

Department of Tennessee Encampment, February 28, 2004.
L-R: Brian Hogan, Geoffrey Hintz, Charles Engle, Steve Pearce, Clyde Getman,
 Chad Walker, Shawn Atchley, Gordon Cottrell, Frank Harned (sitting).  David Milam and Waymon Burke not shown

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